Real Estate Talk

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore

As you all know, I live in the Bloomingdale part of town, some people call it Eckington too. Anyhow, it's a great old neighborhood with lots of old homes. My house was built in 1895! I think that's really cool.
Recently, however, the neighborhood has been dealing with a criminal element that wants to destroy our quality of life and take us back to the days when the city was not fit to live. Unfortunately, our political leaders don't seem to have the political will to do anything about. Well, it's time for all of us living in this neighborhood and others neighborhoods who are experiencing the same thing, to stand up and take back our neighborhoods. Why do we live here in the first place. We're here because we love the things that the city has to offer. Our quality of life should not be threatened because some no account idiots with nothing else to do, want to rob, mug, shoot and whatever else to us in our neighborhood. They contribute nothing to society, they leech off of everyone and everything.
On the Bloomingdale listserv yesterday, one of our neighbor wrote an open letter about the problem of crime and how it impacts our quality of life. I urge all of you to use that letter to come up with your own so you can send it in to all the papers--the Washington Post, the Times, Hill Rag, DC North, East of the River, the City Paper-- to put pressure on our elected officials to do something. We have to make them understand that this affects them as well, not just us. Once you send it to the papers, also cc the mayor and the city council and then send it to all the TV stations. Politicians pay attention when the media are interested. I also think we should organize a take back our neighborhood month to get the police chief, the mayor and the city council on record about what they will do to end this senseless behavior. As the letter from the listserv says, let the memorable line from the movie Network be our rallying cry, we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore.


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