If Donald Trump says it, it must be true!

Donna and I were flipping through the channels on the tube last night and came across Larry King's show on CNN (I used to work with Larry when I was at Mutual/NBC Radio, got lots of great books from him). Anyway, Donald Trump was on there talking about real estate and making people rich. Of course that got our attention because we both want to be rich! An audience member asked how was the real estate market and was it about to burst. His answer was the same answer I've been telling people for a while now. He said that real estate is still a good investment, while the market may not be as hot as it was two years ago, it's still a very good market and people should be in it.
My take on it is that while it's not as hot and fast as it was a few years ago, people are still buying and selling homes. Prices are coming down because in many instances, prices were too high to begin with. People who have urgency and need to sell right away are bringing prices down to sell (if it wasn't priced right to begin with). People who have less urgency are willing to wait until someone makes the offer they want and if that doesn't happen, they take it off the market and wait for things to improve. Things will improve, maybe not to where things were two years ago, but they will improve.
Speaking of things selling, I've got two new listings, both in Ledroit Park. The first one is at 128 Adams St. NW, priced at $435,00o. The other is at 334 Oakdale Place NW, priced at $280,000. My website has more info on both: http://www.angelajonesrealestate.com. Adams St. is a three bedroom, three-level Victorian and Oakdale is a two bedroom. two-level federal style. Contact me if you'd like to see either one. I've got to start my day now, you enjoy the rest of yours.
At 3:50 PM,
sc in dc said…
You know the Donald has gone bankrupt speculating on real estate, right?
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