Getting back to normal
The computer's here and I've loaded almost everything again. I'm getting back to the normal routine finally. It's almost 6:30 a.m. and I've been up since 5. My body clock often wakes me at that crazy hour and I'm not able to stay in bed. I've missed being able to get up in the morning and get on the computer and read the newspapers and check out websites. It's good to be back.
Anyway, lots going on these days with the housing market. I'm really tired of the Washington Post and all the other media in this town telling us there's a housing bubble and it's about to pop. The more you hear it, sooner or later you start to believe it. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Washington area housing market isn't going through a bubble. It's November. The market is slowing down, it always does this time of the year. Houses sit longer, they always do this time of the year. Even it they're sitting a couple of days longer than they did this time last year, that does not mean the party's over and the bubble is about to pop. Sellers are still pricing at the levels houses were selling at six months ago, however. Interest rates are up slightly too and Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. That's what's causing the market to slow some. People are rethinking their plans and some are taking a wait and see approach. If they don't have to move right now they're staying put. The folks who are in need of housing right now are the folks out there looking, they are past the kicking the tires stage.
The president's tax commission proposed reducing the home mortgage deduction. Bad idea! While most people work to own a home, that is the American Dream after all, many see the deduction as an added bonus for achieving that Dream. Housing has been the engine driving the economy for a long time now. If that is to continue, don't muck with the mortgage deduction!
Someone told me they thought my blog was too political. Of course this was someone who voted for President Bush and felt I was bashing him too much. I'm not, I'm simply commenting on what's going on in the news. The reality is that everything is political and it affects everything we do including the housing market. I think it's noteworthy to mention that the president's numbers are still low (37%). Any time you don't agree with something here, please post a comment. That's what's great about this country. We get to disagree with each other. And it doesn't make us un-American to disagree with the president either.
Anyho, Donna and I are getting ready to head to Miss. next week. She says she's very nervous about meeting my family. She's actually already met most of my family with the exception of a niece and nephew and an aunt and uncle. I think she's more nervous about being around my brother Horatio, Jr. He's such a quiet man it makes her think he doesn't like her. He's like that with everyone, including his two daughters. Not much to do in Miss. so we'll have to be inventive. We'll probalby hang out a lot at the casinos. It'll be fun.
Speaking of fun, went to Perry's for Sunday brunch. Had a blast! A few of the entertainers had total wardrobe malfunctions. Use your imagination. Lots of fun was had by all.
Gotta go, enjoy the rest of your day.
Anyway, lots going on these days with the housing market. I'm really tired of the Washington Post and all the other media in this town telling us there's a housing bubble and it's about to pop. The more you hear it, sooner or later you start to believe it. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Washington area housing market isn't going through a bubble. It's November. The market is slowing down, it always does this time of the year. Houses sit longer, they always do this time of the year. Even it they're sitting a couple of days longer than they did this time last year, that does not mean the party's over and the bubble is about to pop. Sellers are still pricing at the levels houses were selling at six months ago, however. Interest rates are up slightly too and Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. That's what's causing the market to slow some. People are rethinking their plans and some are taking a wait and see approach. If they don't have to move right now they're staying put. The folks who are in need of housing right now are the folks out there looking, they are past the kicking the tires stage.
The president's tax commission proposed reducing the home mortgage deduction. Bad idea! While most people work to own a home, that is the American Dream after all, many see the deduction as an added bonus for achieving that Dream. Housing has been the engine driving the economy for a long time now. If that is to continue, don't muck with the mortgage deduction!
Someone told me they thought my blog was too political. Of course this was someone who voted for President Bush and felt I was bashing him too much. I'm not, I'm simply commenting on what's going on in the news. The reality is that everything is political and it affects everything we do including the housing market. I think it's noteworthy to mention that the president's numbers are still low (37%). Any time you don't agree with something here, please post a comment. That's what's great about this country. We get to disagree with each other. And it doesn't make us un-American to disagree with the president either.
Anyho, Donna and I are getting ready to head to Miss. next week. She says she's very nervous about meeting my family. She's actually already met most of my family with the exception of a niece and nephew and an aunt and uncle. I think she's more nervous about being around my brother Horatio, Jr. He's such a quiet man it makes her think he doesn't like her. He's like that with everyone, including his two daughters. Not much to do in Miss. so we'll have to be inventive. We'll probalby hang out a lot at the casinos. It'll be fun.
Speaking of fun, went to Perry's for Sunday brunch. Had a blast! A few of the entertainers had total wardrobe malfunctions. Use your imagination. Lots of fun was had by all.
Gotta go, enjoy the rest of your day.
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I believe my comment was that there was more space given to political babble than real estate thoughts, and that looking at it from a business perspective, you might want to consider two blogs, one for your political views, and one for real estate news. Were I a business owner, I would not place political signs in my business, but I would most certainly welcome the signs of candidates I supported in my yard at home. When I go into a business, it's to buy their product or service, and I don't really care what their political view is. I respect their right to an opinion, but that's not why I'm there.
As for the Bush Bash, you know I didn't vote for him (I didn't vote for Kerry either). The one observation I have to make of all of your ranting about him, saying that politics DOES impact your business: You should be a HUGE Bush supporter considering the successful year you've had in real estate. If you're going to lay all that is WRONG with this country at the President's feet, he conversly can take credit for all that is RIGHT with this country, and it seems you have done well under his administration (you even say the liberal bastion the Washington Post is WRONG, that there isn't a bubble about to burst and that all is well in real estate).
I'll look for the "W" sticker on the back of your car when I get home!
-the non-Bush/Kerry-voting gay Republican roommate
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