Real Estate Talk

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I'm sitting in a hotel room this morning trying to decide what I'd like to do today. I should try to do some work but the truth is, I'm home visiting family for the holiday and I really shouldn't do any work at all. Went to my sister's house yesterday and saw the new grandbabies. They are so cute! Of course I would say that right? No, really they are. Miles Houston and Justus Horatio are sweet little boys who will grow up to be fine young men. They'll probably be best friends and tell each other secrets and have a great time giving their mothers fits. Horatio was premature so he's a bit on the small size for his age and isn't doing some the things that most seven month olds would be doing but for the most part, he's ok. He has to wear a head helmet though because one side of his head is a little soft and pushed it which makes look even more adorable. I'm taking lots of pictures with them too. My parents would be so proud.

I'm going to my hometown today. Mom and dad are buried there and I may go visit their gravies but probalby not. Every time I go to Vicksburg I think I should go visit their graves but I never do. Probably because it will just make me very sad. I'll play it by ear. One of my favorite things to do when I go to Vicksburg is visit Sholly's Hot tamales. They have the best tamales on the planet! No one comes close. Donna's had me on a diet lately and Sholly's doesn't fit but I may have to veer from the diet slightly for Sholly's. It's an old Vicksburg tradition and has been in business since the early 1900s. I'll play that by ear too.

Anyway, I'm home.


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