Happy Monday!

There are a couple of websites that offer you an opportunity to express your opinion about a home. This is great if you go to a lot of open houses as I know many of you do. As a Realtor I think honest feedback is good. I tell my clients I can tell them the truth or tell them what they want to hear. So far I haven't had anyone opt for the latter. Here's more info on the sites. Check them out and let me know what you think.
This is why you should be buying right now:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/13/AR2006101300664.html
I have a new listing in Greenbelt, MD. If you're looking for a great first home, check out this condo located at 8461 Greenbelt Rd. #202. Go to my website for more details and more photos:http://www.angelajonesrealestate.com
Busy day today. Go enjoy the rest of yours and remember, you can rest when you die.
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