Real Estate Talk

Monday, January 22, 2007

How do you score?

Now's a great time to buy a house, however. the first things you should do, before you start to look, is to check your credit report. Many people have no idea what's on theirs and it can lead to serious problems when you start house hunting. When I bought my first house I took a first time home buyers class and that was one piece of advice I got from it. I'm glad I did because when I checked, there were four judgments on my report from another Angela Jones who also happened to live in New Orleans as I once did. It took me six months to get it cleared up. Now if I hadn't done that and I had gone out and found the house of my dreams, I would not have been able to buy it. Here's an article from Saturday's Post Real Estate section that sheds more light on the whole credit report, credit score mystery.

Good information here. Be sure to email me if you have any real estate questions or concerns. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your day.


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